We believe that only the Bible and the Bible as a whole, both Old and New Testaments, is the one and only written Word of God, revealed by God, without error in the original writings, and is the truth, guide for living and absolute authority for all Christian faith and works.

We believe in One and everlasting God revealed in the Holy Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; each a Person not created, one in essence, equal in power and honor, the three being the Creator and Provider of the universe, who governs all things according to His judgment and free will.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who became a man born of the Virgin Mary, who died on the cross to save sinners, and who rose again to redeem mankind. He is Lord, the One and only Savior, and Mediator between man and God.

We believe in the Holy Spirit who together with God the Father and God the Son works out the salvation of the human race. He works in the new birth, conversion and faith in Christ. He also gives the ability to the believer to witness and serve God.

We believe that through Adam all men sinned and under God’s condemnation and no one can be saved by his own works and goodness. Man is saved only by the grace of God in Christ Jesus which is received through faith and revealed in the new life.

We believe that the Great Commission, that is the command to spread the gospel to every nation, is the main task and responsibility of the Church and all believers, besides the social task and responsibility toward fellow men, which is done for the growth of the Church, expansion of His kingdom, and the glory of His name.

We believe that the Church is the body of Christ composed of all believers who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and that Christ is the Head of the Church which is revealed in worship, fellowship, ministry, and witness to the world.

We believe that each believers who redeem by Christ, called to fulfill God’s purpose as uniqely with their backgroud; gift and personality life. Every believers who had already new born called to give life to Christ and live in God’s plan.

We believe that Jesus Christ will come again in bodily form and in glory, as the absolute Judge and Ruler to judge the living and the dead. At His coming the dead shall be raised; all believers will be given glorified body and everlasting life; non-believers will enter into eternal condemnation. After which Christ will rule forever.










The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Proverbs 1 : 7

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