"The time is coming when I will send famine on the land. People will be hungry, but not for bread; they will be thirsty, but not for water. They will hunger and thirst for a message from the LORD. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken.” Amos 8:11

These verse echoing in the heart of Reverend Jeffry Sudirgo after seeing God’s work through several places across culture and ethnics. There’s a lot of people thirst and hungry for The Words of God, but just few who done the ministry in East Indonesia.

The year is 2003, when Reverend Jeffry held Bible Training which called BFL (Bible For Life) for youth at Makassar town. This Bible Training blessed few of teens for years. In 2011, God gives momentum to bless a believers in east Indonesia.

Participants from several church of denominations; pastor; elders; workers and students which from several places blessed by God’s work and following this Bible Training with joy and enthusiasm. 

Indeed, theres a words from senior missionary from united states says: “we really appreciated the seminar that you gave here in Merauke. I think many of the people there appreciated it also. I think it was excellent and was a big help to us here. Thank you for coming and teaching during those days.”

From the vision to become blessing to others believers across denomination; East Indonesia Bible Training was begin as a new ministry to encourage believers growth in the Words of God.



The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Proverbs 1 : 7

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